Tag You're it!

Greetings my fabulous readers! So sorry my writing schedule has been a little off the last few weeks. I’ve been busy. I’m still working on my post book release schedule with both a Southern and Northern tour (so if any of you have any contacts of churches for me to minister at or bookstores please let me know), I’m currently working on my 16th book, and it’s a long story but I’m also co writing a book with a mighty man of God (will discuss publicly in the future) and the whole thing has been a divine door. Things may get a tad sporadic on my blogging schedule as I start traveling more, but know I love y’all and I’m too persistent to leave you alone that quickly. You will eventually hear from me. ***Smiles, smiles, grin, grin*** My itinerary is now on the website. I changed the events page to the itinerary/events page and those events are being updated as I get them. Please keep us in prayer that Rev 3:8 is tangible in our lives….that God opens the doors He wants opened.

As I began reflecting on what God would have me write for this blog, I wanted to speak for a few moments of some things that have been on my heart.

I am asked often about hearing the voice of God. I am asked how do you know its God, and other questions like that. I consider it to be like a game of tag. I pray to God that He knows how I think, and how I’ll hear Him, as long as I know that I know that I know, it’s what He is saying and where He is leading then I’ll walk in it. To me it’s often like God is saying, “Tag your it!” Then you have to do something with the tag.

Many of you know one of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 30:21, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” You see if you’re read that scripture you’ll realize however, there is a catch. You have to go the way God is saying. You have to be obedient to His leading, and His prompting. Many people never walk in the divine plan of God because they refuse to listen to what God is saying.

Sometimes the things God is putting on your heart may feel a bit overwhelming, but you have to stop looking at it like that. You have to settle it in your heart to go forward with what you can do, and stop focusing on what you think you can’t. If God called you to open a business, it may not be time for that business: so work on your business plan, get a logo together, or take a few classes. When you take tiny steps of faith in the direction God is leading you, before you know it the can not’s will disappear and God will make a way. Remember God sees those little steps of faith. When you’re obedient in the small things, He’ll reward you with bigger things.

For the percentage of people that then begin to choose to go down the path God is leading there is this crazy amount of people that simply give up after their first turndown or rejection. I find this so sad! Maybe it was my years of trying to break into the publishing industry, but it taught me the value of perseverance and persistence. God honors the diligently obedient. That doesn’t mean you earn your destiny. He’s already got that prepared for you. You have to choose to walk in it, and be made ready. It just means He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Patience, Persistence, and Perseverance are not things we really want to talk about. Let’s face it, we all want overnight victories. However, fulfilling what God has for you on this earth is a process. Checking out and doing your own thing will just leave you frustrated in the end.

Galatians 6:9 KJV
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

There were so many times I wanted to quit. I’d be lying to you if I told you otherwise, but I had to consistently choose not too. The Holy Spirit continued to encourage me, and I know it was His grace. You can do the same. You can determine in your own life you refuse to quit. Go through the process. It’s worth it. Living a life playing “tag” with God is so much more fun then settling for mediocrity. It will be worth it! I promise! Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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