Window Washing Again

When I was growing up, my dad would pay us $10 for washing his car. That was a lot of money to me as a kid, so we would jump at the chance to wash it. The problem was my dad was not an easy employer. He is very particular about his windows. I can remember clearly washing the windows, and thinking I was done, only to be marched back in the hot car to do them again, and again, and again. The monotony got tedious and I know I complained. However, I kept doing them, because I was going to earn that $10. Eventually I did. I do not think stubbornness is necessarily a bad trait. It just has to be pointed in the right direction. Perseverance is what will usher people to win their race.

I think about that story now and as much as daddy’s perfectionism about his windows annoyed me at the time, today I realize he was giving me a gift much more valuable than the $10. Things like this were preparing me for the life God had for me. I needed to learn to keep plowing forward or I would have never made it in the places God has called me. I laugh when people call me bold, hardcore, or even the earned nickname of the “drill sergeant”. I always respond respectfully, “I’m like this cause you should meet my parents.” I mean that as a compliment. I realize had they not have instilled in me the value of hard work and dedication I would not be where I am today.

Too many people start on the course they know God has for them, and then choose to bail out because it gets boring, tedious, and the light at the end of the tunnel seems dim. We have stopped wanting to talk about perseverance because as a culture we want things “our way, when we want them.” I assure you the kingdom does not work like that. If you want to accomplish anything in life it is a process, and you must persevere.

Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up

Almost 11 years ago, I remember crying hysterically because I had just received my first turndowns for my first book. Back then, they did not use email much and everything was hard copy. My first turndown came in the form of two on the same day. I know, what are the chances of that? I was bawling, and Dan said something that stayed with me.

He said, “So when this does happen one day you’ll appreciate it more because you worked harder for it.” Truthfully, I wanted to smack him at the time and crawl in a hole. Now that I am on the verge of doing all these things I had only dreamed of, I thought about that the other day. Now 11 years and a bunch of books later, I have realized an important truth. I do think I appreciate it more because I choose to run the race, and I can honestly say I was not really as ready back then as I thought I was. God used the perseverance, the endurance, and the process to make me ready to step in the places I am stepping in now.

Do not run from the process. Embrace it. Even if you have to do something again, and again, and again. Eventually the harvest will be reaped. But you cannot quit. Be like a bulldozer, eventually you will start gaining ground. Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited.


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