Books, Books, And More Books!

On Friday afternoon I got an expected phone call at an unexpected time. The shipping company had my books from the publisher and they needed to set up a time where they could deliver them on Monday. While I have been expecting this phone call, it’s a week early. I confess I had a bit of an emotional moment went the shipping man kept repeating, “That’s a lot of books!”

Many people have said to me, “Wow aren’t you excited?” Truthfully it’s hard for me to describe how I’m thinking. It’s true, for once I’m having a hard time vocalizing my inner feelings. I am excited. I’ve spent since I was 16 years old moving forward to write the books God put on my heart and I’ve been actively doing that since I was 21. So yes, I’m excited. I’m a tad overwhelmed. I keep thinking of all the things I have to do, I wonder how on earth everything is going to come together. I’m a bit nervous. I keep wondering how people will receive this message. I feel like this is such a NOW word for the church and I‘m passionate it gets out. I am like a little kid holding their mother’s hand on the first day of Kindergarten. I keep looking up at my Father in Heaven saying, “Are you sure about this? Really sure?” We know we heard from God that this was the route to take, but I keep needing Him to remind me to TRUST Him.

Isn’t it funny how God can lead you into situations that show’s you areas that maybe you need to grow in. I’ve spent a lot of years moving towards this mark. I’ve spent a lot of years declaring and decreeing what I knew God had spoken to me, but shifting into the manifestation of it has stretched me. It’s shown me areas that I’m still growing in.

Many of you have heard me say over and over again that, I believe maturity in Christ boils down to the simple phrase of trusting Him. You can’t get carried away by the tidal wave of emotions, but you have to renew your mind to what God has said, and stay stable on that rock!

Psalm 52:8(NIV)
But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.

Romans 12:2 (NIV)
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

You have to trust that whatever your going through, God has good plans for your life. He doesn’t lead you down a road meant for destruction. When you step out of the boat of comfort onto the waters of faith, it will be well. Remember He has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!

*****So now that I am getting a huge load of my books in my garage on Monday I will be mailing out the preorders. Please help me get them out of my garage and into the hands of people. If you haven’t already please send this link out to your pastors, friends, family, coworkers, hair stylists, dog walkers, iguana tamers, and lion wrestlers. For those of you who haven’t taken advantage of the incredible Buy One Book Get One Book Free offer, I am going to honor that deal until March 5th (which is ONE WEEK) from Monday. Then the books will be individually priced at $12 a piece. The cool thing about these coming a week early is that you can buy them from me, and get them a good three weeks before they’ll be in the book stores. J *******


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