C'est Moi!

I confess that I have a love of musicals and certain ones I could sing out loud from memory down to the overtures. Camelot is one of those musicals. I found myself the other day singing this song http://youtu.be/TdrEmZ35fxc through the house. It’s C’est Moi. Lancelot sings it. In English it means “It’s Me!” If you’re familiar with the story he thinks he’s the most perfect man on the planet and more until he falls into an adulterous affair with Guinevere and it all comes crashing down around him. It’s like the scripture in Proverbs 16:18 (KJV)”Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Have you ever been around people like this? The ones where you can’t get a word in, and they spend the entire conversation focusing on how perfect and wonderful their lives are at the moment, how much they are so better than you, and you find yourself wanting to cry at their arrogance it’s so annoying. I had a conversation with someone like that sometime ago (IF you’re a person that talks to me often don’t sit there are question if it was you, I can guarantee you it wasn’t), and as a result I wrote this on my Facebook wall. “Do not engage in a "Spiritual Peeing" contest...you'll just end up looking stupid and get "pee" all over you. We are not in a competition! Run the race God has before you, when your "brother" has a victory so do you...when your "brother" has a defeat so do you!!!!!!” While I may not be able to change this particular individual other than to pray for him, I can guard myself from this kind of attitude. It reminded me to try to go out of my way from sounding like that. Sometimes it can be easy to get so caught up in your own world that you ooze pride. However I assure you that it’s God in you that makes you the person you are today. There is a difference between confidence in Him, and arrogance in you! You have to guard yourself from it! While I left that conversation wanting to smack the individual, I had to question myself. “Do I ever treat others like that? Please God; I don’t want to ever sound like that.” You have to always remember “It’s Not YOU!” It’s Him in you! God does have awesome plans for your life. So humble yourself, and get excited!


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