Dude, that's not my car!

Before I get into the blog for today, I am very glad that I FINALLY get to post this link. http://youtu.be/OlNZWbmO5i0 This was a TV interview I did in Ohio back in June. I know it took us forever to get it online…sigh, I could go into all the technical pitfalls and the 8 hours it took to upload just today, but Thank you Jesus its up!


On Friday, I went to do my typical grocery shopping. My kids are still out of school and I had a friend of mine’s son as well for a few days. Grocery shopping with three kids is a challenge. But I have this thing where I go to a different fruit & vegetable store, a different meat store, and Wal-Mart. Add to that my stack of coupons and this wall of crazy Florida heat and it can all be a tad stressful. When I got to my first store I was trying to watch the kids in the parking lot and ran the shopping car over my toe and bruised my toe. The heat was already getting to me.

Then I went to Wal-Mart and they didn’t have any 2% milk in gallons, our brand of popcorn, and some other items I wanted. So I had to reason that I’d go to another store.

As it turned out I had to run home, unload all my groceries, make a quick errand and then go to another Wal-Mart. They didn’t have the right brand of popcorn, but at least I got my milk and opted for a different brand. By this point the kids were restless. They were fighting and irritable and I couldn’t blame them because I had turned pretty irritable myself.

I was pulling the mother approach. “You stand in that square, and you on that spot and no one touch each other or so help me when we get home you’re all going to have to set in time out!”

As I stepped into the outside and was hit almost losing by balance to the Florida heat, I walked over to a car. I was tired and wanted to go home. It looked like my car. I started to try to pop the trunk with the key remote. It wasn’t working. The kids started trying to open the doors. It seemed my remote wasn’t working. I was about to cry. What was wrong with this day? Was everything against me? I couldn’t believe that my car remote dying was just going to be the cherry on top of the crazy morning. Why God? Why? I wanted to scream into the burning air and cry…that’s when I noticed the windows in this car were a little darker than mine. Wait a minute…it wasn’t my car! Have I said this crazy heat can make me a little loopy?! I found my car about three stalls down, and the car remote still works! The kids and I spent out trek home laughing hysterically and enjoying the air conditioning.

It can be so easy to focus on everything that’s going wrong, but I began to think about all of this. Maybe I was frustrated about the lack of 2% milk, but at least I found it. At least I had the money to buy it. I may so loathe the heat in Florida, but at least my car has air conditioning. I may have hurt my big toe but at least, it’s doing well now. I may want to scream at my kids for their whining, but at least their healthy. I sat in my car and started to count my blessings. I started to find things I could be thankful for now.

Colossians 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

Developing an attitude of being thankful will bring you to peace. It will remind you that life isn’t all about your own comforts, and underneath all that aggravation…God has really blessed you. So when you find yourself in the place like I was on Friday, remember to be thankful for what you do have. God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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