Did Jesus Have Regrets?

Very little is known about Jesus’ early and adolescent years. Many often wonder did he always know what his destiny was, or when did he figure it out? I have always joked that being one of Jesus’ siblings wouldn’t have been easy. I wonder if they ever heard, “You should act just like your older brother?” It makes you wonder what he was like as a teenager, and like many boys he grew up with the goal he wanted to be just like is His Father. As he spent his early adult life as a carpenter and while the Bible isn’t clear on specifics we know that he was a man and like every man he was a man with human emotions. He wasn’t a robot.

Jesus was sent to the earth with a purpose and He had purpose. Despite whatever he went through in life, we know through His ministry He never lost sight of that. He always kept his vision focused. If you think about it, whatever the measure He knew His future, His destiny was to die for the sins of the world. But I bet the death & burial part wasn’t what His focus was on. I would bet His focus was the resurrection. His focus on what He was doing for humanity. When He hung on that cross He wasn’t thinking evil of all the people that hurt Him and offended them. He was praying for them. He was giving it to His Father in Heaven. He was saying, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34) Jesus’ eyes were fixed on the whole picture and not the wrongs that were done.

I heard a story about a woman recently who is so filled with bitterness; it sadly appears like she’s walking backwards in her life. I am praying for her. I wrote this on my Facebook wall the other day, and I think it bears repeating.

Spending your life being stuck in who offended you and focusing on the little things they did doesn't prove anything to those people. It'll just turn you bitter and bound. Let your haters be your motivators...let those situation catapult you forward! You can't fly when you’re stuck to the ground!

To put that into Biblical terms: Philippians 3:14 (NIV) “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

To break that all down, if you are carrying the weight of everybody who ever wronged you and their family, if you are carrying all those past hurts and “what might have been’s”, if your regrets are have become like suitcases that you’re bringing into ever situation in life…then how are you going to grab hold of your destiny? You can’t. You’re hands are too full. Jesus fulfilled his destiny because he kept his eyes heavenward. You need to drop the baggage and keep your eyes focused. Let the past hurts go. Let all the ways you feel you’re justified to hold onto your anger down, and look upward. God has awesome plans for your life. Stay focused and get excited!


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