Chick-Fil-A & The Kiss-In
This isn’t a typical blog today, but I am just sharing my thoughts. Take them or leave them.
Many of you may or may not be aware of the controversy that has spurred off of the Chick-Fil-A stores. In short, someone asked the founder of the Chick-Fil-A what his opinion was on marriage and he said, “We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit.” Thus it spurred a bunch of media controversy and debate. The next thing you know you have officials trying to block a Chick-Fil-A from ever coming to their cities and others trying to boycott the franchise as a whole. So as a result August 1st became “Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day” and people lined up all over the US, for waffle fries and a chicken sandwich.
On a personal level I agree 100% with their stance, and I admire them in a time of a bunch of wishy washy “I’m ok you’re ok” mentalities. They stood up for what I believe is the truth. On a political level no one got in anyone’s faces and yelled… a bunch of people just showed their support. Yes there were some picketing but for the most part, all was peaceful and it seems to me that the support was heard. It was not an “in your face” kind of statement. It was saying “We support you Chick-Fil-a!”
It was more to me than just supporting their views, but it was about freedom of speech. America was founded on things like freedom of speech and freedom of the press. It seems to me that there is a bunch of people today that wants to take those freedoms away. It is not a hate crime for me to preach what the Bible says. However, there are bills that are being put in motion that would consider it such. Just because I disagree with choices a person may make does not mean I don’t love them. I disagree with abortion, but bombing abortion clinics is wrong. Just because I am a Christian that does not make me a backwards, judgmental, or a rage filled individual. That kind of thought is just as backwards as thinking every Muslim is part of Jihad, or that every white person is racist. There have been extremes, but the extremes cannot set the standard. Hmm I guess this nation does still believe in freedom but it seems to me that our society wants to change that. I can love the person; just not agree with their choices. But telling me that I can’t voice my opinion is pecking away at the American Constitution. The last I checked that Constitution still is honored in this nation. I have a right to voice what the Bible says and my opinion just as much as the LGBT does. I refuse to be silenced.
The LGBT community would like to stage a “Kiss-In” tomorrow at Chick-Fil-A’s. I see what their trying to do. Their going for the “take that” and “in your face” approach. I find this concept offensive, and it’s not just cause I believe homosexual marriage isn’t Biblical. Why do I find this such an immature solution? Well Chick-Fil-A is a family establishment. If I was making out with my husband in public in the middle of a fast food chain people would get offended. Kids don’t need to order a chicken sandwich with a side of sucking face and groping fries. It just seems like a classless approach to me. It's just in poor taste.
People are spouting because I’m a minister then I shouldn’t be political. But I don’t understand that. The Bible isn’t just a dusty book that sets on my shelf. It’s alive, and part of the way I look at the world. To me this whole controversy over a chicken franchise isn’t just a political one or a religious one, but it is testing the American voice. It’s not about who is right or who is wrong. It’s about we all have thoughts and opinions, and the moment it becomes illegal to share them is the moment we’ve lost the beauty of what this nation is on the earth. It’s the moment you might as well call the Nazi’s or the KGB and take me away. I am a Christian leader in this nation that will not be silent. I will not allow the fear of public opinion to put duct tape over my mouth. I will tell you in love what the Bible says, and if you don’t like that about me then said in my sweetest voice, “I am sorry to hear that.” You’re issue probably isn’t with me, but it is with God. I’m not going to get in your face and argue that with you. I am going to make the choice to love you regardless.
America, we cannot continue to set back and allow our freedoms taken from us. It’s time we wake up and find our voices!
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