Cables, Wires, and Mice Oh My!

Last weekend I found myselfat my girls' school doing volunteer hours. Their school requires that every family put in a set amount of hours every year so that their children will get a spot for the next academic year. In the years we've had kids at the school, I have done various things for my parenting hours like: weeding outside, gone to PTO meetings, colored at home, and guest taught, etc.

Saturday after spending two hours wedding in the front I was led to the Media Room. I was only explained my next job would be one of organization. Really if it got me out from the outside and into the air conditioning, I didn't care what I would be doing. Boxes waited for me. Hidden and shoved in what seemed to be every nook and cranny of the room were boxes and boxes of cords, wires, cables, computer mice, and telephone jacks that had been thrown together for years. They were a tangled mangled crazy mess. Every time I thought, There could be no other boxes full of them, I found more. The new maitenance man obviously decided the formers system of storing them was not working and he needed some unsuspecting parents to come in and make it organized. While organization has never been one of my strengths (I am more of a creative piles kina gal), I kept thinking I could do this. Thirty minutes into sorting through piles, I vowed never to complain a bout my drawer full of battery chargers and wires again because mine paled in comparison to the mounds before me. A few other parents eventually joined me, and by the time I left we had goteen it somewhat separated nto smaller piles and the cords bound by zip ties.

Often times in our Christian walk when we stumble upon a "mess" in our lives it can be easy to get overwhelmed and think 'nothing good can come of this' or 'this project is just too big for me to handle'. We can start focusing on our own inablity, instead of focusing on His ability through us. We focus on the problem instead of focusing on our solution.

Romans 8:28 (NIV) "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those that love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

God has a way to turn anything and everything into something that can be used for His glory for those that love Him. I have seen it happen time and time again. Things that in the natural just look like piles and piles of mess eventually get worked out. I have seen many a ministry or mighty miracle come from what looked like a big mess.

So do not focus on the mess. Focus on Him. Focus on Him usuing you for the Glory of God. Focus on His goodness. Because no matter whose fault the mess is, or what it is all about it will work out eventually.

Many have heard me say that I believe a mature walk with God boils down to the simplest terms of 'Just trusting Him.' No matter what the mess may look like, the circumstance may appear, or the ugliness of the people around you, you have to just trust Him. Keep trusting Him despite of what it may look like! Keep trusting Him despite of how you feel. Keep trusting Him despite what others may tell you. Keep Trusting Him!

God has awesome plans for your life. So get excited!


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