Outside My Own Facebook Page

Several months ago I was having a moment. I was sad because some changes were happening in out lives: we had some friends move, I was getting frustrated and annoyed at some different events, and I'll confess my attitude wasn't the greatest. I was so busy focusing on my own drama that I couldn't see past the wall of self-pity that I was building around me. I know I'm not the only person that has had these moments. I am just being honest.

So I had a random epiphany moment where I realized I should start leaving comments on other people's facebook pages. I know my solution sounds simple but as I began to do that, I got so excited. I looked at my page and my list of friends and thought who else can I compliment? Doing that helped me knock down my wall of self-pity and made me start to look at those around me. Most of those individuals I did that to responded in such a way where I made their day. They had really needed to hear a kind word in that moment, and my little one line encouragment fueled their fire.

Life can get to you like this. You can think all about your own problems until you pretty much wall yourself inside your own world. You set around and think all about you. That 'woe is me and everyone has left me' moment, isn't healthy. How do you think you're ever going to make an impact in the kingdom of God if you can't see past yourself? Life isn't all about you. It's about something bigger than you. It's about doing your role in the kingdom so that His plan can be established on the earth. God's heart is for people to know Him.

Jesus had every right to have a few of these moments if you think about it. He knew how his life was going to end. But He didn't. In His last breaths he was not thinking about how He was unfairly accused. His last breaths were of the knowledge of what He was doing for mankind. He was thinking about others. I am not saying we all have to do everything for others, or that we can't have any fun. But what I am saying is somehow I think in our own selfishness of our culture we've forgotten the simple rule of "Doing unto others as we would have others do to us."

Life is short. Take some time to stop wallowing in your own self pity and see who your could bless around you. It coud be as simple as buying the homeless guy on the corner a cup of coffee, or leaving random compliments on facebook, or even a smile to the guy who annoys your at work. God loves His creation. Do you?


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