Dr. Nasir Saddiki Confrence

This weekend (Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday) I had the awesome privilege to set in a conference at our church and listen to Dr. Saddiki teach. This conference was life changing. I feel like I have been a sponge trying to soak all this revelation in. If you know me, I have no problem shamelessly promoting people that I think are awesome. If you’ve never heard of this mighty man of God go check out his website at http://www.wisdomministries.org/ I confess until about a month ago when I just happen to catch him on the TV show Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural I had never heard of him. But God is doing awesome things through his life and ministry and I recommend the Jesus in him.

One of the many things that really stuck out in these days of teaching that I want to mention is the revelation he brought forth on:
Mark 11:23 (NIV) “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.

I have always quoted this scripture. It’s one of my life mantra‘s. I have for years gone around and said things like “I’m believ-ing for this or believ-ing for that.” What Dr. Saddiki taught blew my mindset of this scripture out of the water…..The word believe in that text when translated from the actual Hebrew is NOT to believe for something. Or believing like a future or present tense. That Hebrew word is actually believed…its past tense. To take it a step further Dr. Saddiki jokes it’s believed-duh.

In context this Mark 11:23 scripture is Jesus trying to speak to the disciples in regards of faith because their getting all excited that Jesus cursed the fig tree and it dried up but they didn’t get all excited until after they saw it withered. They should have gotten all excited when Jesus spoke, and circumstance or not it already happened. Because if they believed-duh they would have realized it already took place. Faith is the substance hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Translation, when you pray you believed-duh it already takes place, so anything after that, you are to give thanksgiving to God because He has already answered your prayers!

This revelation shifted some mindsets in my mind. It was one of many I will take away with me this weekend, and is life changing. I wanted to bring this out in this blog because so many of my readers weren‘t in this conference, and I think you need to hear this! It is a powerful revelation that all believers need to hear. We need to be on the victory side, because it has already happened-duh!

So now as I go reading over my notes for the last three days. I am so excited for what God is orchestrating in the body of Christ. He has awesome plans for your life. So get excited-duh!


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