What God? I can't hear you!

When I was in college I worked in the set construction department at The Ohio State University. There was a particular student that had liked me. I knew he did. He ws a nice guy, but I was just coming out of a very complicated relationship, and for a lot of reasons I knew this man wouldn't be a good idea for me to date.

Inevitably the day happened when he and I were talking while we were cleaning our paint brushes from fauz wood graining the base boards for an upcoming set. He smiled and looked back at me. He paused in reflection and in the moment as he asked me out, someone on the other side of the shop started to use the table saw. I'll admit I lied. "What? I can't hear you!" I responded. Soon the table saw stopped. I knew what he'd asked me, and I felt bad for lying. I was trying to come up with a reasonable excuse in my head for when he repeated the invite, but he never asked again. Consequently I met Dan a few weeks later but that's another story.

I was thinking about this story last night relating it to how we treat God sometimes. WE can be so hypocritical as people. We cry out to God that we want His direction, His plan, and His perfect will. But too often when He's trying to talk to us we pretend like we can't hear Him. We avoid what he's saying. We turn up our TV's, internet, and internal monologue in our heads. Really what we're doing is deceiving ourselves. We can become like little kids with our fingers in our ears screaming, "la la la! I can't hear you God!" Yet in the same breath we grow frustrated at God becaue we don't seem to be hearing the words we want to hear.

John 10:27 (KJV)
"My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me."

The Bible is pretty clear that you, as a child of God...if you're HIS sheep, you can hear His voice. You have the ability to hear it. Please don't misunderstand me here. God rarely is speaking to you in an audible voice, but it's a nudging, a gentle leading or prodding to go somewhere or do something.

You have to put all distractions aside and start getting real with yourself. Are you really not hearing from God on a certain matter or are you just lying to yourself? I assure you God may not be giving you the answer that you want, but it's the answer you need. You may not think you need it now, but God knows your days and He knows what is best for you.

So stop lying to yourself and be real with God. Take the time to pt away all distractions and really hear His leading on the matter. Even if it's to be honest and say, "God I don't like that answer. Can you help me to have peace or a right heart about that?"

God has equipped you to run the race before you. You CAN do what He is telling you to do. You just have to accept it. From personal experience I've learned that it takes a lot of energy and effort to wrestle against God's leading. You end up frustrated and annoyed. Just accept what He's telling you and run with it. He really does know better.

God has awesome plans for your life, so get excited!


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