I don't want to be bitter and jaded, but....

On Friday, I had some events happen that I thought I'd share. I finished my 14th book! It was a bit of a stretch for me, and it's still in rough draft form, but I finished the draft. I still need to go back and proofread. I'd like to add about another 4,ooo words but I got the draft done. I have about another 6 books roaming in my head right now. I can be a real workaholic if I let myself. Then, about an hour later, I went to check my mailbox. The timing couldn't have been worse. Sitting in my box was a turndown from a publishing house on my 13th book. I had been waiting to hear from them on this since June. (many of you are thinking I thought she had a publisher? I do, for my non-fiction. However I'm believing God for a fiction publisher. Books are published on an individual contract basis...) The turndown was not because these people didn't lik me. It wasn't because they disliked the manuscript. However, it was because the book didn't fit into the specific 'formula' that this house wants in a manuscript. It was frustrating.

I have noticed that if you get a bunch of writers in a room, unless they are very successful ones usually you'll hear a lot of bitter and jaded people talking. I can still remember when I spoke with one woman about my first book. She smiled pretentiously and told me that I was naive to think it would ever get published. That her first manuscript still sets in a drawer. I don't receive those words. I have always joked that publishing an writing is not for the faint of heart.

It can become a big temptation when you've been turned down as much as I have to turn bitter and jaded. It can be a constant battle. Maybe you're not trying to win the next Pulitzer Prize but have found yourself in the same boat. You've found yourself being faced over and over again with turndowns and rejection.

How then do you choose to keep going forward? You CHOOSE TO! You have to know that you know God called you to do a thing, and eventually in His timing, it will be established.

In a message last week, Pastor Greg Squires of Freedom Life Church reminded us all that we have to stop being anxious and cast our cares on God. While I knew this, I needed a reminder.

1Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares fo you.

Phillipians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, but prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

One thing he preached that really stuck with me was when he said, "Frustration occures when you need a new revelation of how much God loves you. Because He wants you to get your breakthrough more than you do. He created you for it." I had heard this before but I did need the reminder.

So I'll admit I took about 5 minutes and felt a little bummed about this turndown, but in all the years I've been doing this I have to say I've noticed I've gotten better. I am not bitter. I wasn't depressed for days, I didn't have a crying pity party, and I was constant in knowing just because this was a door that didn't open doesn't mean it won't. It's just not this one with this book right now.

It may be easy to allow yourself to get bitter and jaded, but it's your choice. You can't blame rejection on your bitterness. You have to pick yourself up from the dust. Shake off and keep moving forward. Life is too short to get stuck on these little things. You're open door just as mine can be just around the corner, so don't allow your foot to get stuck in the door that shut. Find another door, and keep trusting God! God has awesome plans for your life. So get excited!


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