Are You Suffering From Prophetic Anorexia?

Many months ago I wrote two different blogs: one on prophetic amnesia, and the other on prophetic dyslexia. I’ve been joking that I should start a series because I believe the Holy Spirit gave me another one. It’s prophetic anorexia.

In the physical anorexia is sadly on the rise especially among young girls. In writing this blog I’m not trying to demean those that suffer from anorexia. If you do then get help! It’s a horrible epidemic.

There is a spiritual prophetic anorexia going on in the body of Christ that needs to get addressed. This is when God tries to tell His people something and they don’t want to hear it, so they don’t receive it. In a sense they vomit it out of their mouth. They reject what God is saying. However, I believe the spiritual body needs the words of God. They need the written Word of the Bible, and the prophetic word.

John 6:63 (NIV)
The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life

So what happens? The body then starts to break down because it’s not getting what it needs. Usually this is when the person starts questioning where God is in the situation. When truthfully God has spoken to the person time and time again. It’s just words they don’t want to hear. Many of us in the spiritual live life running around with our fingers in our ears or down our throats rejecting the very words God is speaking.

The Bible is very clear the God speaks to His people. There were prophetic words after prophetic words foretelling exactly the way Jesus would come on the earth. The book of Revelations is prophetic. God is a loving daddy and loves to speak to His people.

John 10:27(NIV)
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Perhaps if you are in a time where it feels you have no hope, and you are withering spiritually the issue is you need to hear from God. He wants to give you direction. He wants you to be clear to move into the destiny He has for you. When God speaks to you, however He does that (through the Bible, hearing His voice, etc) don’t reject what He’s telling you. But embrace it! I learned a long time ago that wrestling with God just wastes a lot of time and energy. The quicker you accept what He is saying the quicker you can move forward. Accept the fact He really does know more than you. He didn’t make you like everyone else. He made you like you! Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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