Need A Car Part? Why Not Try A Horse?

Told and retold in my families history is an encounter between my grandparents when they were newly a family. My grandparents married very young and had my dad early. My grandfather has an amazing ability to acquire random things. I have decided that it really is an anointing because I’ve watched him over the years have the ability to resell the items for more than he got them for in the first place. As the story goes my grandmother sent him out to get a part for the car. She was a new mother, and money was more than tight. Grandpa came back with a horse. Honestly I don’t know how exactly that exchange went down, but knowing my grandmother I’m sure she wasn’t too pleased with the outcome. The story is still told today in the midst of laughter and family time.

Many people feel that often God does the same to them. They pray and pray for one thing, and then get angry or upset that it seems something else may manifest. While a horse was not what my grandparents wanted it was still a mode of transportation and would get them where they needed to go.

So many times people miss opportunities in life because it’s dressed up in packages they never expected. The disciples kept trying to rebuke Jesus because He kept telling them what was going to happen and they didn’t want to hear it. But God’s will manifested. It was what we needed, not what we wanted. The need was fulfilled.

People often get so stuck on what they think they need that they don’t move forward with God. Think about the Israelites in the wilderness (Numbers 13) They were so stuck on the fact they thought they’d waltz into the promised land and it would just be handed to them that when they saw the giants in the land they choose not to go forth in what God had said.

When God called me to write my first book, and eventually I did, I never dreamed in a million years there would be more then that first one. When I kept writing and writing, I never would have dreamed that I’d publish Biblical teaching non fiction. If I would have held so tightly to how I thought God would start bringing me out as a writer, I would have missed everything I’m walking in today. God knows your destiny, and He knows how best to get you there.

Matthew 6:8 (NIV)
8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

God sees your end from your beginning. You’re job is to pray, seek, and trust in Him that He is able to bring about what you need. You have to be willing to be lead by Him and be guided by Him. Even in the times you are looking for a car part and feel like you end up with a horse, LOL! Trust Him. He knows better than you do. He’s got awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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