What Might Have Been

As a country tomorrow, we will set back and enjoy our: turkey, stuffing and apple pie. We will stand in lines in the early hours on Friday to kick off the official start to the holiday season and get a good buy on a new gadget we cannot live without.

I love the holidays. I love any excuse getting to visit my family and my Northern roots. I love the smell of snow in the air, and Christmas lights. I love spicy scented candles that linger in a firelight room. I love the smell of pine in wooden churches. I love celebrating Jesus’ birthday. I love the time of reflection and renewal.

It is easy at the holidays to start to take stock of your life and reflect upon choices one has made. I can understand why people get the most depressed over the holidays. It is hard when you do not live around family, and your holiday meals are laden with memories of days gone by. The choices you have made or have not made are in direct reflection of where you are today. I made a commitment years ago that I did not want to live my life with regrets, or what if’s. For the most part, I have done that. However, there are a few lingering bad choices that I wish I could go back and change. I have not and am not perfect and if I ever give you that impression, it is false.

In the brief year I listened to country music in high school, I remember this song by Little Texas that I always thought worded this kind of thinking very well. “Try not to think about what might have been. Cause that was then and we have taken different roads. You cannot go back again. There is no use giving in. No, you’ll never know what might have been.”

It can be easy to get yourself caught in the traps of what if, especially around the holidays. It can get easy to be stuck in the traps of wanting to turn back time. However, simply put you cannot. You are just torturing yourself to try. It is creating more mental anguish on yourself. This kind of thinking I believe is a trap for many.

Philippians 3:14 (KJV)
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

In order to press, you have to press forward. In order for you to go forward you, have to face forward. You have to turn around and put your eyes on the destiny God has for you. You have to let go of all your questions about choices you have made in the past. You have to let go of the “what might have been’s”

May this holiday season be a new season for your life. May you truly let go of the past and embrace your future. I pray that you’ll have an encounter with God in this last month plus of 2011. I pray that you’ll have a renewed vigor and fire about you to run your race towards your destiny. I pray that you’ll draw closer to God, and they’ll be fresh revelation of His love for you. God has awesome plans for your life. He loves you. So, get excited!


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