Supernatural Destiny

I got the opportunity this week to read Don Nori Sr.’s new book “Supernatural Destiny“. Without hesitation I am adding this book to my top five list of books everyone should read (and no I‘m not just saying that, I truly mean it). In it, he talks about how God supernaturally called him to found Destiny Image Publishing and how he has labored along with his family to see what God has spoken come to fruition. I am actually going to wait a few days and go back and read it again.

As I read about all the struggles, triumphs, tears, and victories, I found myself in tears. There were so many things that he wrote that Dan and I have found ourselves in similar places. As I read his story, it made me realize yet again, that Dan and I are not the only ones who have ever found ourselves in the plan of God, and struggled to see His purpose in all of it. I truly respect the fact his words were honest and from the heart. He was not trying to paint a glossy picture that he always knew everything. He was real with his readers. It reminded me that while the process can sometimes be daunting, God’s plan will come to pass, and that plan is always worth it.

I found this book such and encouraging read. God is not a respecter of persons. He does not play favorites (Acts 10:34). Don and Cathy Nori have seen the manifestation of what God spoke because they stuck with His plan. He will do the same with the plan on Dan and my life, and He will do the same with you…you just have to stick with it and hold on tight!

Reading this book also reminded me of how blessed I feel to be among the Destiny Image authors. I was 4 years old when God supernaturally spoke to Don Nori Sr about opening a publishing house. God knew then that one day I would be able to have the honor and the privilege to be published by them. Sure, I am one of many… but this was part of God’s plan for my life. So often, we tend to forget that God is orchestrating His perfect will for your life long before you were even able to think about it. (Jer 29:11)

There have been so many times I wanted to quit. Years of turndowns, and a few editors that had not had their morning coffee before responding to me, took their toll on me. Fifteen books, four screenplays, and a couple children’s books series’ later, I can see that God knew all along that my first full-published book would be with Destiny Image. Many of you have heard me tell the tale about how I once bawled over a turndown, and God spoke to me saying, “Anna, you have to see the bigger picture.” Reading this book reminded me of the bigger picture. Life was not meant to be lived in glossy snapshots that are only good for your facebook profile. The bigger picture becomes more like a symphony that cannot be heard in one note alone, but appreciated in its entirety.

I want to close this blog today by saying a simple thank you. Thank you to Don and Cathy Nori for endeavoring to run the race God set before them. Their choosing to do that not only allows others to run their race as the authors, but also has helped millions run their race as the readers. Their sacrifice means millions of lives have been touched for the Glory of God. You must remember that all our lives have effect on others. When you choose to fulfill or not to fulfill, what God has for your life it is like a ripple and the ripples roll outward to the world around you. As I sign off, I will say again, what I always want you to remember. God has awesome plans for your life. So get excited!


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