Exciting News...and a whole lotta nerves!

Drum Roll Please……tada! I’m very excited to get to unveil the official book cover for by book coming out in March called, “Cursing the Church or Helping It? Exposing the spirit of Balaam.”
Many of you know my story. God called me into ministry at 12 and laid it on my heart to write my first book at 16. The funny part about all of this is I not only argued with the whole idea of me ever writing a book, but I absolutely bucked the idea of me ever writing a non fiction Biblical teaching book. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but I had set out to write my dad’s story on Vietnam. I thought it was going to be easy and the publishing field would just open up to me like Moses facing the Red Sea, but it wasn’t. It was a lot of years of writing many books that range in genre and topic. Doing something like I’m doing today was far from my idea. God just directed me here. While I’ve had a few things published in compilations this is my first full length book that’s been published. I’m walking in steps that I’ve prayed about for years. This is exciting!
However there is another side of this that I have never experienced before now. I’m being brutally honest, but I’ll admit I’m a nervous about all of this. I 100% believe in the message of this book. I believe that the church as a whole needs to hear it and that it stands as a warning for them to wake up! I 100% believe that the choices we’ve made are God ordained and I have to trust Him. But I’d be lying if I didn’t say perhaps I’ve thought about this a tad too much and the fears of “what if?” have loomed in my mind like a marching band doing a cadence. I’m just a girl from Ohio, who up to this point few people have ever heard about. I need your prayers to pray with me that God will open doors no man can open.
So what do I do? Do I focus on the fact I’m a tad intimidated and the thought of feeling like a very little fish in a really big ocean has occurred to me on more than one occasion. Or…do I focus on what God has spoken? What I do is I choose to trust God!
Months ago when I first saw an original book cover concept, I printed it off along with a list of scriptures on trust. So, every time those nerves started, or the enemy started to whisper lies, or someone may have said something to me that got me frustrated, I could go back to my list and start to meditate on what God says about trust.
I love Psalm 56:3 (ESV) “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” This is King David talking before he was king. He went through a crazy amount of circumstances to walk in the places God had for him, including having his former leader try to kill him any chance he could get. I think that often in the body we all fight nerves and fear in our own ways but no one seems to want to admit that. It seems we all want to pretend like we’re perfect instead of being honest and real. That’s way I love this scripture. David who is one of the great men of God in the Bible is saying look, “when I have a moment….I choose to trust God!”
2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
God hasn’t given you the spirit of fear and He hasn’t given it to me! It’s all about where you choose to focus. Are you going to choose to focus on the Big Awesome Super Fabulous Power of God, or focus on how little you feel among the giants? God brought the children of Israel to the Promised Land and they choose not to walk in it because they felt too small. The problem was their focus. You have to remember no matter what God called you to do, it isn’t all about you. It’s all about God! It’s about His ability and not yours. It’s about His purpose, His plan, and His design. Stop focusing on yourself, and focus on Him! Trust and focus are like the roots to excitement. As you know I always close out my blogs telling y’all to get excited for His plans for your life. But your excitement needs to be founded on your trust in God. Excitement with no roots will just fizzle away. Therefore I am excited to get to show you this book cover, because I trust in God. My focus is on Him. May your focus and trust be in Him today too! He does have awesome plans for your life. So, Get EXCITED!
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