Grandma's Fruit Roll-Up Drawer
My grandmother was amazing. She loved me so very much. I can remember every time I went to her house I was made to feel so special. I was thinking the other day about how she had a drawer dedicated in her kitchen just for me. She knew I love natural fruit roll-ups. So she’d buy them for me and leave them in the drawer. I know that sounds like something so small and simple, but I knew she put thought into keeping that drawer filled for me, so whenever I was at her house I had my favorite snacks. People seem to forget that God is like that too. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows the things we like and he wants to bless us. He is not some meanie-headed God that doesn’t care about us, but he loves us all individually. He knows us. Luke 12:7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all number ed. Don’t ...