Being A Crood
Last weekend my family and I were
blessed to get to go see the new DreamWorks Movie called The Croods. My youngest had some unused AMC Movie Theatre
Tickets and it seemed like a good family film. I have to say that this movie has to be up
there with one of my favorite animated films now. It’s amazing how God can really speak to you
in times like watching a movie or when you least expect it.
The basic premise of the film is
that the family never leaves their cave.
They are always afraid of any kind of change or anything new. Basically they have no choice but to leave
the security of what they know in order to survive. It’s got a lot of family humor, and at one
touching point the lead character Eep says, “But I’m afraid.”
I have a confession to make. My family and I have been in this crazy
transitionary phase in our lives. We
know God is up to something and there are some shifting things happening. While I don’t have all the pieces to what He’s
doing I have really been fighting fear lately.
Not that I wouldn’t jump in with both feet if God was clear on a new
direction. (Nope, I so would because I
can feel things changing) It’s just that I think the fear of the unknown has
really been weighing on me. I’m a very
goal oriented individual. It’s hard for
me when I’m not sure where the next goal is.
The frustration has gotten to me a bit.
When Eep cried that out to her dad Grug, it’s like I heard something
inside of me say the same thing. “But I’m
afraid.” I always joke that if you
confess you have a problem at least then you can deal with it. Coming out of denial is the majority of the
Many people can find their living
life just like The Croods. They are
hiding in their places of safety afraid to move forward. They are so used to the wilderness that fear
keeps them from doing the things they know they must do. It can be easy to lose sight of the fact that
life is a series of changes, and you have to embrace the new in order to move
forward. If not you’ll just be sad,
stale and stagnant. In our families case
where we aren’t sure what God is doing it can be easy to just get frustrated
and want to stay where we’ve been. But honestly
like Joyce Meyer always says, “Sometimes you just have to do things afraid.” Like 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “God hasn’t given us
the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind.”
I’m vowing that no matter what God
is up to as to our next stage in life, that I’m ready to embrace the
unknown. I’m ready to hold tightly to
it. I’m open to hear the targets, and I’m
open to move out of my cave into the places that God has in His hands. Embrace change today. Embrace what God is speaking to you. Embrace the unknown. When you’re walking with God you’ll see as Kim
Clement says, “You’re somewhere in the future and you look much better than you
look right now.”
God has awesome plans for your
life. Get excited.
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