Construction Paper Backpacks

I confess I’m still waking up! We had an awesome weekend in Miami, and I will talk more about it in my next blog. It was a divine appointment and God is soooo good! I had set today’s blog aside to talk about a math assignment my oldest daughter came home with last week…gone really wrong. My oldest daughter briefly mentioned this project the beginning of the week. She told me she had three models to make out of construction paper and I said, “Do we have enough? What are these models? Can we do anything about them now?” I turned into the typical questioning mom. “It’ll be okay mom. It’s fine.” Now I want to interject here my oldest is awesome. She hardly ever procrastinates on work, and is a very diligent student. So even though I had a feeling something was up with this project I ignored my inner warnings. Wednesday night rolls around and I had every intention of going to church. This project is now due on Thursday, and I can hear my oldest getting frustrated and making a mess in the kitchen. However again I thought she can get this. But then she finally fesses up what the assignment is. She has to make three backpacks out of construction paper, per exact measurements. I walk into the kitchen to see tape and paper everywhere and the tears beginning to form. Only one hour into this and she’s doesn’t have the first one done. She started begging me to let her “just not do it.” I wouldn’t let her. I wanted her to at least try to get them done. She kept saying she could get it done. “Are we going to have enough construction paper?” “Sure mom!” Thirty minutes later, “Are we going to have enough construction paper?” “I don’t know.” Twenty minutes later, “Are we going to have enough construction paper?” “No.” After I made a run to the dollar store, and got her situated I still thought I’d make it to church. But then the tears began to fall, and without a doubt I knew I was needed here. It took hours of hard work, but together my oldest and I started to tackle this project. While I will maintain this was an annoyingly stupid assignment given to my daughter, we did get it done. She needed my help, and I gave it to her. There are so many things in life that we swear to ourselves and everyone around us that we can do on our own, but in truth God created us to be able to help one another. I’m not saying that doing something on your own is wrong, but I am saying it’s okay to ask for help when you need it, and you need to care enough about a person when you see they need help you give it. There is power and anointing in good old fashioned team work. Ecclesiastes 4:12 “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” For far too long we’ve all lived life thinking we can do it all on our own, and I tell you the older I’ve gotten the more I realize that just isn’t the truth. We as people need each other. We have to stop living our lives as solo islands, but to be a blessing to those who need a helping hand, or in this case more construction paper and tape. Remember He has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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