Don't Let The Waves Knock Off Your Bathing Suit!

***Stay tuned after the blog for some announcements! :-) Last Saturday after I was on the radio 91.5 FM with Tom Jones out Cocoa, FL (Those are available for download go to and search by dates, I was on air May 26th, and April 28th) Dan and I decided to drive on to have a family day at the beach in Cocoa Beach. You would think that since we live in FL that we would travel to the beach often, but we don’t and the afternoon was a treat for my family. I found myself in the waves along with the girls. The salt water was splashing and burning our eyes, and stinging our throats. We were having a lot of fun dancing and jumping in the waves. As I watched my youngest struggle to get back up after a wave had knocked her down, I heard her shriek, “Mom! My bathing suit is falling off!” I tried not to laugh. The beach was crowded and that is mortifying no matter what your age, “Put it back on!” With a few seconds of struggling under the water and a few giggles from me she was up again playing. The waves in life will try to overtake us. This is not a doomsday prophetic word. It’s simple, while we live on the earth there will be waves. Sometimes those waves can be good, and sometimes they can be bad, but no matter what happens remember to guard yourself. Keep your spiritual clothes on so to speak. 1 Peter 5:5 Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” It may be tempting to rise up out of the waves and think you can do everything on your own, but no matter who you are and what you’re doing…keep your clothes on. Always remember its God in you, and not really you. You are his messenger on the earth, stay gracious and humble, because if not you’ll end up being pretty embarrassed running naked along the shores of life. Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited! *** So here’s my few announcements…I am very excited to say that Sunday I will be ordained under Freedom Life Church in Kissimmee, FL. It has been a long journey. As I continue this road in ministry I want to thank you all for being part of our lives. ~And as I do this typically two times a year, I will be taking the next two weeks off writing blogs. I kick off my Northern tour next week. If you want my current updated itinerary go to I will be back at blogging after Father’s Day. Please keep us in prayer as the Holy Spirit reminds you. We are still boldly declaring Rev 3:8 and Phillip 4:19 over our lives and our ministry….that He opens doors only He can open, and He shall provide all of our needs according to His riches in Glory. We continue to trust the work He has begun He shall complete it. Dan and I send our love…be super and abundantly blessed. He is a faithful God, and He IS faithful to you!


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