Cordless Phone on a Moped?

Back when cordless phones were officially out on the market and in most American homes, I remember being just at the age where the phone was a BIG deal. I was waiting on an important phone call. I honestly don’t remember what the phone call was about, but I do remember who was calling. I was in Middle School and the hours spent on the phone were a normal part of my routine. However, I got bored waiting. Somewhere in my head I justified to myself that I would jump on my sister’s moped and ride around the yard with the phone in my hand, and thus would be able to hear the ring from the ‘all important phone call’. Needless to say a phone on a moped isn’t a good idea, and I did drop it. The back cover crashed on the concrete pavement and needless to say my parents were not happy with me. They fixed it with some handy electrical tape, however to this day whenever I talk on the phone and mention it to certain members of my family they always remind me that I shouldn’t take it on the moped, or roller skates (but that is another story). Proverbs 12:15 (ESV) The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. Let’s face it. I’m not a fool, but trying to answer the phone on a moped was a foolish thing to do. It would be easy for me to cop an attitude every time someone wants to remind me that this was foolish, but truthfully it wasn’t the smartest move I’d ever made. You have to learn to take correction in all walks of life. You have to learn that maybe the people around you just might have a bit more knowledge about something, and just maybe you need to listen to it. Just yesterday I had a situation come up, and my pastor (Love you Pastor Greg) was nice enough to give me some wise council, and it turned out that he was right. If I would have copped an attitude with him, when faced with my mistake, I would have ended up in a world of embarrassment. We have to realize that it’s wise to heed to Godly advice. We have to remember we don’t have all the answers. We have to remember that while we may seem right in our own eyes, sometimes our own choices can be a little lacking. God does have awesome plans for your life, but you need wise council around you. Sometimes we all can make foolish choices, and our excitement can cloud our judgment. Remember to listen when those people around you give you wisdom. Remember He DOES have awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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