Are you acting like David or Elijah?

I have a confession to make. . . Sometimes I can be a bit of a drama queen and overly freak over situations. It’s an issue that I’m working on, and I totally admit to.

Over the course of the last few weeks a situation occur and I had several freak out moments. I realize from where the attack came from and now I’ve understood I have to stand my ground. I’ve realized there have been many times in my life I’ve done the same thing. I’ve freaked out at first, and then was able to stand my ground. I can laugh at myself now about it because I realize that God has got it all under control, and I didn’t respond with the maturity I should have however, I can learn from my mistake.

Elijah and David were two mighty men of God in the Bible. Both of them faced a challenge in their lives, and both of them reacted differently. I want to take a few moments discussing their situations and how we can apply it to our lives.

In 1Kings 18 Elijah experiences one of his biggest triumphs in ministry. This is the story where the prophets of Baal all try to get their god to consume the wood, and they try to do all sorts of incantations and Elijah laughs at them, then he prays that God would consume it after he soaks it in water, and God does. He’s coming off a ministry high here. . Jezebel gets all ticked off at him and threatens him and he goes running off into the wilderness. God still sustains him in the wilderness so that he’s fed by a raven, but nevertheless he freaks out and runs.

David on the other hand is different. Here’s a guy with a great revelation of who God is. He’s anointed to be king as a kid. In 1 Samuel 17 he faces Goliath. He knows he’s not dieing that day. He knows that no matter what happens God is going to see him to be king one day. So he boldly begins to prophesy to Goliath and tell him he’s going down, and he does. David is bold before the enemy. He doesn’t freak out and run. Right away he rises up to the occasion and declares who God is over the situation.

In David’s own words Psalm 40:2 says, “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” That firm place is on the rock of Christ Jesus.I have a lot to learn from David. It’s an area I’m still working on. We all can learn from him. We also have to realize not to condemn ourselves for ever missing it. We all do, and we all have. A mighty woman of God I knew used to say, if you find yourself in that moment, don’t stay in it, but rise above it. Jesus says, in Luke 10:19“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” And in the words used by Pastor Greg recently, “Don’t be a wuss, stand your ground and fight!”

We have that same authority in Christ Jesus. We all have the ability to look at the enemy and declare that we’ve come too far to give up now. We all can speak the word of God over a situation and watch it change. Remember who your God is! He is good, and He can take care of all circumstances around your life!


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