Faith is a Verb

A dear friend of ours is in process of making some faith choices in order to go forward in his life to do what he knows God is telling him to do. He was on the phone with me yesterday asking for some wisdom and there were a few things about that conversation that got me thinking and I wanted to share. One of the things that I kept telling him about faith is that you need to quit thinking about it so much. So often we’ve made decisions in our lives that if we really set to think about it in our head, we wouldn’t make those decisions. Faith is not being stupid, but about knowing what God has said. Often times these choices will not make sense in our own minds. IF they did, then that wouldn’t be faith. That’s the point of faith that you cannot see it. Often times you can’t see in the natural what God is telling you in the supernatural. Hebrews 11:1 [ By Faith We Understand ] Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

So it’s not always going to make sense in your head. So why is it there are some decisions that
we labor over so long and try to make sense of it in our heads. We need to use Godly wisdom. But I am convinced that many people talk themselves out of stepping in faith.
When Dan and I moved to Florida 8+ years ago we had all sorts of people try to talk us out of it. When I married Dan because of how everything happened I had many try to talk me out of it.

We’ve had many try to pull us out of the will of God so often. Because in the natural these decisions haven’t made sense. That’s why it so important you are careful about who you lend your ear too. Many doubters will try to talk you out of doing the will of God. Often times I’m sure their well meaning people, but look at Joseph. His brothers heard what God had planned for him, and that just made them more mad at him and they made fun of him. Even his own father questioned him. Be careful who you share your heart with. One thing our friend brought up yesterday that I keep thinking about is a quote by Jesse Duplantis. He says that “faith is a risk.” That’s true. Faith has an action. It has movement, and requires something on our part.
James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

I always think of Peter who got out of the boat to walk on the water with Jesus. Kim Clement used to always say, “You’re never going to know unless you step out of the boat.” That statement is true. And when you do step out of the boat how do you react? My spiritual father

Apostle Lee says it best. There was a situation where he had to walk in a lot of faith and stand for some things when it seemed everyone around him doubted. Someone came up to ask him if he had a plan B. “Plan B? He said, there is no plan B in faith.” That’s true. There isn’t a plan B. If you think there is one, I question if you’re truly in faith about that situation.In the years that

I’ve been serving the Lord, 21 years now to be exact. I’ve had to make a lot of choices Some that were in faith and some that weren’t. I’ve had to make a choice to either walk with the crowd of the masses or go it by the way of the Lord. There has not been one time though that I’ve made a choice to step out of the boat that God has not supernaturally met me on the
water. Faith is a verb. It’s an action. It’s a lifestyle of choosing to go by the way of the Lord even if it’s not always easy. It is these moments in life that define who we are. It’s when we’ve made these choices and we see God miraculously show up on the scene. SO when something happens again, or a friend calls because he needs council we can say I know God, and I know if He’s called you to do this thing it will work for your good. I know God works all things out for those that love the Lord.

In the days we live I want to encourage you to seek God today. What is he asking you to do? What do you know in your heart you must do? What are you spending so much time trying to talk yourself out of doing. Just go with the flow of God. He’ll meet you there on the water. He’ll wrap his arms around you, and make sure you don’t sink.


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