Do You Have Real or Plastic Hair?

There is something I have noticed about doll hair over the years. That is when the doll is first purchased the hair looks pretty and well placed. If the doll goes to a child that loves to brush out her hair and fix it up, it doesn’t take long for it to get disgusting. Plastic hair just doesn’t brush well. The more it goes through the more ratted and messy it gets. But the more brushed real hair gets, it begins to shine and become even more radiant.

As many of you know I have insanely naturally curly hair. My flat iron gets a work out when I use it. When I was a kid my mom would braid my hair in a long thick braid and when I would go swimming, getting it wet, it would make it curl up and get all tangled. Which resulted in an hour of her brushing and me screaming. But when it was over, I had gorgeous hair again.

So what is my point? Well are you real or plastic before the Lord. Let me define
the difference between being real before the Lord or plastic. Real people admit when their wrong and do the best to move on. Plastic people put on a front, they look good and are always trying to appear that way but deep down their not being honest with themselves. The last I check none of us are perfect. Are you being you, or are you playing a part? Do you look pretty on the outside but inside the more God’s been trying to work on you the more you‘ve been tangling up? Do you want to plastic before Him? Sometimes in life you will go through things, but when you accept that and allow yourself to be changed you’ll look gorgeous on the other side of this situation. Luke 6:48 says “He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.”

How are your roots doing? Are you well built on the rock of Christ Jesus, or are you like plastic doll hair that is so ratted up, your beginning to reflect Liono from the Thundercats on the inside. Maybe you are all ratted up, but I got promise you, allow God to spend the time to untangle you. If you’ve been plastic before God repent and move on. God can help you be real. Trust Him enough to put you on the path that He has for you. Proverbs 3:6 says “In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths”
It may hurt when God has to set you aside for a period of time to straighten you out, I promise you it’s worth it. God truly does know what is best. Allow Him to take what ever time He needs to get you looking great again!


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