Because Sometimes It's not all about me!

There are times in life where God instructs you to do things, and there are other times where you merely fall into His perfect will. God’s plan always amazes me and I wanted to share my latest adventure in Him.

Dan and I decided it was time we do some updating to our youngest daughters room. She’ll be turning three in a few months and she didn’t have much in the way of furniture. So since my first response to buying a large purchase anymore is online, I began searching the internet to show him different options. We then started going to stores all over town. To which one of the times my youngest daughter, who we’re working on potty training, used up all my diapers and we were across down and she needed to be changed. By the way if your ever in that predicament IKEA has free diapers in their bathrooms. I never knew that then, but I do now. Whoever thought of that deserves a promotion!!

Anyway we looked and looked but nothing felt right. We’d become very
indecisive and we questioned if it was really time to make this purchase. So, turning back to the internet I began scouring Craigslist. I found a good deal about an hour drive. It was exactly what we’d been looking for. They were the exact bunk and loft beds we kept
liking. The finish was not exactly what I wanted, but they were including the mattress’ so it was a great deal.

Last night we drove the hour to Palm Bay to pick them up. As we drove there I have to confess I was a bit nervous. I mean I was driving to some random persons house. But as we got there all tension seemed to vanish like vapor. I asked the Lord while I watched Dan and this man take the set apart and fit it in the SUV. Do they know you? To which I heard the Lord say yes, but give them a card to your church. So I did, and as I did their story began coming out. His father had been a pastor, his brother now one, he’d actually been a missionary for a period of time, but they’d moved down to FL from the North and never had found a church. For six years he and his family had been churchless, and in his eyes I could see he was desperate for an encounter with God. Then his wife began to talk. Her children miss church, she’s afraid to go somewhere where she doesn’t know anyone, and their story went on.

As I stood in their drive watching Dan and this man use every ounce of space in
and on top of the SUV they possibly could to pack these beds in. I realized while yes, my daughter had needed a bed, but this whole adventure in finding one had nothing to do with my family. But it had everything to do with this family we had just met. God’s love for His children is so big that sometimes God puts us all in these kind of divine appointments. We just need to stay open to them. Because we’re having a friends and family day at church coming up, and I’d been praying that God put me in someone’s path that needed to come so I could invite them. And all the hours of frustration trying to find a bed, taking a poopy kid through IKEA now meant nothing but a funny story. God worked it all out, according to His plan and purpose. I’ve been serving the Lord for a long time now, and I’ve seen him do similar stories in my life and many others. If you’ll keep you’re life open to Him, He’ll use it. I pray for that family. I’ll be sending them directions via email to my church today. I pray that wherever God wants them to be, that they’ll be in His perfect will. Every time I see my daughter’s new bed I’ll be reminded that God’s plan is always bigger than what I can see, and it’s not all about me. It’s about Him.

Romans 8:28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


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