You make sense to God

I remember years ago I had a habit of asking people in conversation if “that makes sense to them.” I was in prayer talking to the Lord, and I asked Him “If that made sense to Him.” To which I vividly remember feeling him chuckle and reply, “Anna, I created your mind. Of course you make sense to me.”

I have noticed in life that people seem to be on a quest for others to “get them” or understand them. We as people want someone to be able to look at us in the eye and
know that we make sense to them. I love my husband and he usually understands me more than most people, however not as much as God. Isaiah 44:2a says, “This is what the LORD says— he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you”God created your mind. He created how you would think and how you uniquely process things. He knows you. He knows what you think about. He knows the talents and plans that you can uniquely fit because He made you in your mother’s womb.

For years I struggled with God as to why He choose me to fulfill the specific call that is on my life. I used to argue that He could have found a much better person for it. Finally He dropped into my spirit, that it wasn’t that He choose me for it, but He made me for that specific purpose in mind.
Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
he created him; male and female he created them.” We are all made in the very image of God. We all have a very specific purpose and plan that God has in us to fulfill.

You must begin to truly trust what God is doing in your life. You must allow Him to do in you what He has to. You must realize that He knows you and understands you more than anyone will upon this earth. There is a “God-shaped hole” in all of us, and until we realize that we will constantly be disappointed that no one or thing can fill that hole. You have to come to the end of yourself, and realize that the only God knows you so completely. Only God can uniquely guide you to where you need to be in life. Only God can take your mess and make it right again, and only God can fill the hole in your life. Only God can make you complete.


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