But I don't wanna look like a dork!!!
When I was younger I had this prayer I used to pray whenever the Lord asked me to do something that stretched me out of my comfort zone. I used to ask the Lord, “Please don’t let me look like a dork, because if I look like a dork, then I’m going to make you look like a dork.” Frankly after reading various things God had the prophets do in the Old Testament, I suppose my little stretches were nothing in comparison.
2 Thessalonians 1:12 says, “We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Meaning when you shine. . .you allow God to shine through you!
We have the ability as God’s children to either bring Him honor or dishonor. When you are a parent there is nothing your kids can do to make you love them more, or love them less. However there is a feeling that wells up inside of you when your children bring you honor. It’s like, “Yup that’s my baby.” A few weeks back I met with my oldest daughters school teacher. She wanted to meet with the parents before the year ended. That blessed woman looked at me and said, “You’ve done a wonderful job with her, and she will do great things in her life.” When that teacher said that to me, I was so proud of my girl. We had quite the ordeal with her behavior as a preschooler, and to hear a teacher say that to me. . . It brought me, my husband, and my God whose told us how to raise her honor.
You have a choice folks to bring honor to God or dishonor. Is he looking at you from heaven today saying, “That’s my kiddo.” Or is He having one of those parent moments when tears of frustration are beginning to well up on the inside of Him because He knows there is so much for you, and you’re still fighting Him. Bringing God dishonor will not only frustrate Him, but it’ll frustrate you. Constantly fighting against God is tiring, and trust me it’s easier to just give in.
If your bringing him dishonor start today by spending sometime with Him, and ask Him, “How can I please you today daddy?” “What can I do to bring You glory on the earth?” If He tells you to do something and you’re worried about what you might look like? Kim Clement always used to have a saying in regard to taking risks in referring to
Peter walking on the water, “You’re never going to know unless you get out of the boat.” Meaning you’d be surprised what God can accomplish once you allow him to move you out of your comfort zone. . . So choose to bring Him honor today! Choose to give him reason to say, “That’s my kid, in whom I am well pleased!”
2 Thessalonians 1:12 says, “We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Meaning when you shine. . .you allow God to shine through you!
We have the ability as God’s children to either bring Him honor or dishonor. When you are a parent there is nothing your kids can do to make you love them more, or love them less. However there is a feeling that wells up inside of you when your children bring you honor. It’s like, “Yup that’s my baby.” A few weeks back I met with my oldest daughters school teacher. She wanted to meet with the parents before the year ended. That blessed woman looked at me and said, “You’ve done a wonderful job with her, and she will do great things in her life.” When that teacher said that to me, I was so proud of my girl. We had quite the ordeal with her behavior as a preschooler, and to hear a teacher say that to me. . . It brought me, my husband, and my God whose told us how to raise her honor.
You have a choice folks to bring honor to God or dishonor. Is he looking at you from heaven today saying, “That’s my kiddo.” Or is He having one of those parent moments when tears of frustration are beginning to well up on the inside of Him because He knows there is so much for you, and you’re still fighting Him. Bringing God dishonor will not only frustrate Him, but it’ll frustrate you. Constantly fighting against God is tiring, and trust me it’s easier to just give in.
If your bringing him dishonor start today by spending sometime with Him, and ask Him, “How can I please you today daddy?” “What can I do to bring You glory on the earth?” If He tells you to do something and you’re worried about what you might look like? Kim Clement always used to have a saying in regard to taking risks in referring to
Peter walking on the water, “You’re never going to know unless you get out of the boat.” Meaning you’d be surprised what God can accomplish once you allow him to move you out of your comfort zone. . . So choose to bring Him honor today! Choose to give him reason to say, “That’s my kid, in whom I am well pleased!”
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