God, I love you and I just want to serve you!

I have shared this story numerous times when speaking with people, and twice yesterday it came up. I felt that I should do a blog on it. I hope that it helps anyone who reads it:
When I was a senior in High School I was a feature twirler for our marching band. I went every week to take baton twirling lessons. The teacher gave lessons in the basement of a Methodist Church in Waldo, Ohio. There was one particular evening that I was early to my lesson. I’d been in and out of this church growing up a lot given it was right next to the Lutheran one I grew up in, and the two are the only churches in Waldo.

I remember peeking into the sanctuary. The moonlight shone through the stained glass windows making colors dance across the carpeted aisle way. Something about the scene drew me to walk inside the deserted sanctuary. Looking around to see if anyone was there, I silently tip toed down the path and knelt before the aged wooden cross at the alter. The presence of God was all around me. There alone in that Methodist church I recommitted my life to the Lord. I remember distinctly saying to the Lord, “I love you,
and I just want to serve you.”

The divine beauty and simplicity of the moment has always stayed with me. There are times in life that are hard. They seem to blind your vision with confusion, and mar the awesomeness of God. We’ve all been through seasons when we’ve questioned God. We’ve wondered where He was in all of the mess. But He has never left you. We must find a precious moment with God. We must get back to the simplicity of “God I love you, and I just want to serve you.” I encourage everyone reading this, to stop for a moment and have a time that you say that, and mean that to God. Life is not about cars, toys, worldly success. It is not broken dreams and unfulfilled words. Take a moment to allow the sea of circumstances to part over your heart, and recommit you’re life to Him!


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