Know your target and hit it!!!

Many of you have heard me say over and over again how God laid it on my heart when I was 16 to write my first book. In my head at the time, I was planning on being a
missionary or a Lutheran pastor, but God had other plans. I couldn’t write, and I thought that the idea of me doing so was hilarious. I had been made fun of, and still am often, for my lack of editing professionalism. So I yielded to God’s plan, and I thought after college I would write this book, and it would easily get picked up. I remember my first turn down. I bawled. I was stunned I figured if God told you to do something it would just happen. I remember Dan telling me that getting turned down would just make me appreciate it more when it did happen. He was right, but with all due respect I wanted to smack him at the time.

Today is nearing the 15 year mark when God laid it on my heart to write my first book. I’m 8+ years after my first turndown. Though there is so much more in my heart that God has for me on this earth. I want to tell you that yesterday, I saw the beginnings of fulfillment. Yesterday I got the book in the mail of the anthology I’m in. I’ve seen my name in print before, but this is different. This is a professional book. This is a short story about my dad which is a commercial for my first book. I held that book in my hands and I wept. It as a very emotional moment for me. I’ve spent the last week emailing two different agents back and forth, who are both considering taking me on as a writer. I’ve learned by now that you can’t put too much stock in one connection in this business. That you have to keep praying that God opens the doors that no man can open and closes the ones that no man can close.

So why do I say all this? It’s certainly not to toot my own horn. I know this has been a God thing. But it’s to encourage all of you. So many times in the body of Christ I have found many who have no idea what God put them on this earth to do. So many times I see a body who completely lacks Godly vision for their lives. An arrow must have a target to hit. Or else it will just shoot in the air, and land wherever. That doesn’t mean you’ll know what you’re supposed to do for the rest of your life right now. But you must get a vision before you. You must get a target. You must get with the Lord and find out what that target is. Keep that vision before you. You are an arrow for the kingdom of God, and as that arrow you must know where your going.

Today I was reading the word and this is the scripture God brought me to.
Habakkuk 2:2-3 in the Message Bible says, “And then God answered: ‘Write this. Write
what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming-it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on it’s way. It will
come right on time.’”

We’ll all go through things in life. Sometimes it will feel like a battle beyond your capability. There were many days I seriously considered giving up. There were days I cried tears of frustration and wondered what was God doing up there? God’s grace is sufficient for you. Though things don’t seem to be breaking forth, they are under the surface. We must be confident that the word of God does not lie. He called you to whatever target to hit and if you keep going forward and push through it you‘ll hit that mark. God has a calling, purpose and destiny on each of your lives. Today God wants you to be assured of that and know that He will fulfill the promises on your lives. Do not faint to know worry, for God is faithful. Continue to say that to yourselves today. He is faithful.


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