Morals in the Media?

I have a confession to make, last night my husband and I were flipping through the channels on TV and we watched “My Three Sons”. I confess I don’t watch much retro TV. But we as a family sat down to watch an episode. I laughed hysterically when the middle son wanted to ask out a girl and her grandmother wouldn’t let her date until she was 16. So he rented a horse and buggy to woo her and change her grandmother’s decision. Eventually he ended up spending an evening at the grandmother’s house where they pulled taffy only to have the uncle come and get his tie stuck in the taffy. Eventually he was able to take this girl out. As I watched this show I couldn’t help but think of how pure and beautiful the story line was.

It’s amazing that as I watched this with my two daughters ages, 7 ½ and 2 ½ I didn’t have to say , “That’s not and okay word.” or her clothes aren’t okay. If the same story line
would have occurred on today’s TV it wouldn’t have been considered edgy enough unless the boy cussed at the grandmother, the girl he liked told the grandma to mind her own business while using four letter words and wouldn’t have been wearing anything appropriate when she left for the party. The uncle would have cursed when he got his tie
stuck in the taffy pull and, those two kids would have been doing a little more in that buggy then merely riding to a party.

Has our society changed so much in the last 50 years that we’ve allowed Hollywood and the media dictate to us what is okay? If media is just a reflection of what’s going on in the world then what does that say about our morals in this country over the last 50 years. Of course I have to say here that I don't support cheesy drama either, you have to be real with people, but there is a balance. I realize that I’m on my own soap box by saying all of this. But many of you who know me, know my heart in this area. I am praying more than ever before that God would send His children to raise up a standard once again in the media. I encourage all of you who are reading this who are people of prayer to begin to do the same. We as a people of believers must see the importance of the media in this society, and the call of God upon many in this hour to see the will of God fulfilled in this industry.


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