Whose your daddy?

In counseling and talking to people one on one over the years I get amazed at how few people really have a revelation of who God the father is, and His heart towards his children. Don’t get me wrong, I have had some similar mindsets too, but I wanted to dedicate this blog to exposing a few of them.

Many people have the mindset that God is some big guy upstairs ready to drop a piano on their head if they mess up. That kind of religious mindset is completely unscriptural and sad. God is not like that. John 3 :16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have ever lasting life.” God loves you. He does not jump all over you when you mess up. Repent and move on. That’s the whole point of the cross.

Another misconception I’ve heard all too often, is that God is too busy to hear you or to help you.Matthew 19:14 says, “Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." If we are born again we are all the “children” of God. But to take it one step further, is if you’re not born again God is crying out for you to be one of His kids. He loves you so much! God loves for His kids to crawl up and talk to Him. You are never a burden to Him. By talking to Him you’re not taking away from someone else to talk to Him. God’s ability to multi task astounds me. God is able to do more than one thing at once.

One misconception I’ve heard a lot in my years as a charismatic is the very idea that these things and callings upon your life or unobtainable. It’s like we get this mindset that God is keeping them just out of your reach. When I was a girl we had a cat, and we used to play with the cat by making him jump for a ball on a string, and then snatch it from him right as he got it.

So often times I hear people think the same from God. We think that our destiny is being shaken in front of us through prophesy and it’s like we fall
too short. My dear people, that is not God. Don’t you know he put those things inside of you for a purpose and it’s His desire even more than you to see them fulfilled. You’re callings and giftings were put inside of you for a time and season. I’ll be the first one to
say that the waiting time stinks! But, God is going to get the glory out of you fulfilling those things on your life. He wants to see you fulfill His purposes and plans.
God’s heart towards his children is good and pure. It’s so sad the religion that man has created around what God has desired. Luke 12:7 says, “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” He loves and cares for us.

If any of you have not read the book, The Shack by William P. Young I want to take the time to recommend it. This book had to have come from some divine revelation the writer had to have had. In it the main character gets mad at God for tragedy in his life and ends up having a major God encounter. What is so beautiful about this book is the heart of the father towards his children.

People take the time today to think about your relationship with the Father. Do you have religious mindsets that are not scriptural? Do you see God separated from you? It’s God’s desire to be in a relationship with you. It’s His desire that you would trust Him, beyond what you can see. That’s called faith. When God’s kids have faith in Him,
it makes Him excited!


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