Loving and Being the You God Created

So several weeks back there was a situation that occurred that turned a bit ugly and I had to tell the person that they were wrong in love. After it was all said and done I got a bit grumpy. Why does it seem I’m always the one God uses to speak up and say something. Can’t for once in my life I just be quiet and blend in? Well no, As
someone who has been called to have a prophetic voice it’s rare that I do get to just blend in.

When I was a kid I remember I used to pretend to like donuts just because everyone else did. My sister tells of the stories of how I ‘d get one and rarely eat it. Truthfully I didn’t want to confess I hate them because people would think I was weird. It was the same with cream of mushroom soup. And then, something happened in me where I began to accept who I was, and stopped trying to change the things that made me who God made me.

My mother asked me as a child the standard if I would jump off a cliff would I follow my friends line, and without batting and eyelash I once told her yes I would. To those that know me now they would probably laugh at that. They know I’m the kind of person that marches to the beat of my own drummer and they couldn’t imagine me ever saying that. I wasted years of my life trying to fit in, and denied the person God created me to be. I finally just woke up one day and said enough is enough.

I tell my daughter who is in the 2nd grade all the time the best way to deal with people. You were created the way God wanted you to be. If a situation arises and you’ve messed up then repent and move on. But is someone has a problem with you
then it’s their problem, not yours. Don’t make it yours by holding onto it. Don’t get me wrong, God wants to perfect you into His image and continue to work on you, but there is a difference between that, and not being who God created you to be.

We’re all different and that’s a good thing. My dear grandmother used to always look at me and tell me I was weird. I don’t think she meant that as an insult but I always took it as a compliment. John 8:23But he continued, "You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.” We’re not always going to fit in with the world. And that’s OK, so stop trying.God created you for such a special plan and purpose. It was not to be like everyone else. Or to look like everyone else. It was to simply be you. You are bringing honor and glory to God by doing this. By you fulfilling your purpose it is a sweet fragrance unto God.
I encourage you to be true to the uniqueness that God created you for today.
When you do this you’ll find the freedom of truly living in Jesus Christ.


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