Is Your Land Feeling Dry?

Twice in the Bible God parts the waters before the Israelites. Once is in Exodus 13 when the Egyptians are chasing the Israelites so God parts the Red Sea, and in Deuteronomy 3 when he parts the Jordan river in order for the Israelites to go into the promise land. In both accounts the people of Israel or “crossing over.” In both accounts the word of God says that not only the waters were parted but in both accounts it also says that they crossed on dry land.

Both accounts in the lives of the children of Israel are significant. In both accounts they are symbolic of a transition in their lives. In the first account the people are leaving the season of slavery to go into freedom. Later they have to stay roaming in the wilderness for 40 years because of rebellion. But when they cross over the Jordan River it is again significant because their leaving the wilderness to go to the Promise Land. The
Bible says that once they crossed the Jordan River the manna stopped, and they once again had to find food on their own.

They crossed on dry land. Why is this so important? Well what if God would have parted either of the waters and not made the land dry. The people would have gotten stuck in the transition. They wouldn’t have been able to cross over to what God had planned. They would have sunk down in the Sea or river bed. They would have never made it to the other side. God’s mind never ceases to astound me. He thinks ahead. He knows what He’s doing.

Transition can be hard. Trust me, I know. There have been many times in my life where I have felt dryness in the land. I have made the following statement more than once, “I feel like I’m about to step into some shoes that I still think are a little too big for me. And sometimes you have to realize that the shoes your currently in are too small or you won’t step into the new ones.” Transition isn’t easy. You have leave the comforts of what you know, and press forward into what you know to be God. Sometimes it can be very frustrating. Because the land can be uncomfortable for you and dry. God can see you one month from now. He can see you ten years from now. You have to trust what He’s doing, to be for your good. He would never do something to hurt you, but He wants to bring you out, and bring you up.

I know it’s annoying to feel like you could be in a dry land, but if you stop in the middle of the transition where does that leave you? God has to get you to the other side!!! If you give up in the middle of the transition then you might drown later.
Philippians 3:12 [ Pressing Toward the Goal ] Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

Keep pressing forward today. It doesn’t matter how dry the ground feels. It doesn’t matter that your not sure if you can see the other side. Keep pressing forward because your promise land is waiting on the other side. God has a plan and a purpose, and it shall be fulfilled!


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