God Has A Destiny and Purpose for Your Life!

When I was just over two my mom, two cousins, pregnant aunt, and myself were in a horrible car accident. I remember two scenes from that night. I remember picking my cousin up from my grandparents, and I remember crawling up in my grandmother’s arms later that night. So the story I relate is what I know through second hand information.

My mom ran a stop sign driving. That was before car seats and my one cousin and myself who are only a month a part in age were riding in the back of the station wagon. The car began to spin, and the back hatch popped open. I was thrown out of the car, and landed upside down in a cornfield across the road. When everything settled they didn’t know where I was. My aunt says she saw angles telling her where to find me. When they finally did, I was wedged up against a fence post. There were dirt in my little tights, but not a scratch on me. The tights weren’t even snagged.

Later at the hospital when my cousin and I sat side by side my mom kept trying to tell the doctor to really check me because I was thrown. The doctor didn’t believe her. The doctor was like, “There is no way this little girl was thrown from a car. She’s fine.”
Years later while in a Driver’s Ed class I found out that only .1% who are ever thrown from a vehicle survive without a permanent injury. That’s .1% without a permanent injury. That is 1/10 of one percentage point. I didn’t even have one injury. No scratches, no bruises, not a mark could have been found on me.

A few years ago I found out my uncle who was a pastor at the time went into heavy intercession that night.

This story has always stayed with me. Because quite frankly I know there is no
reason I should be alive. I know that God has a destiny and a purpose for my life. There has been times I’ve defiantly questioned it, but I’ve always known it was there.

So I tell you today, that God is no respecter of persons. You were beautifully and wonderfully made by our creator. He has a destiny and purpose for your life too. Think about it. Even if you’ve never survived a major event like a car accident, what is the odds that your parents got together, and then you’re grandparents, and your great-grandparents and so on. Even if you were conceived out of sin, God takes hold of your life, and destined you to be a great thing, out of something that wasn’t so great. He takes what the devil meant for evil and turns it for His glory.

You were designed and purposed to live right now. What is your destiny? Are you seeking to find it, or are you merely floating in life being tossed every which way. God wants to point you in the right direction. He wants you to fulfill your purpose just as much as you want to fulfill it. Are you asking him? Are you seeking him for it? Or has
he told you and your running from it. It gets lonely running from the Lord. While it may be okay for a season deep down you’re not doing what your destined for and deep down you’ll be miserable.

Some people have a misguided view of God. He doesn’t set up in heaven and
dangle your destiny in front of you only for you to get close to it and then move it. God is not like that. God wants to be able to talk to your clearly. God wants you to slow down and allow him to communicate with you. Be still and know that He is God. God has such a specific plan and purpose for your life, and only you can fill it.

One day we’ll all have to stand before God and give an account for our lives. We’ll have to give an account with what we did with the giftings and callings that He gave us. I’ve always said that I want to be able to look at him, and say, “I tried. I wasn’t always perfect but I tried to live a life that made you smile.”

So I leave that with you today. Would God be smiling at your life? Are you seeking to fulfill your destiny?


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